Animated tv Series
The MSG Team Series chronicles the journey of a team of security guards employed by the Dimensional Anthropology Museum, as they endeavor to thwart the actions of a group of street toughs referred to as the Burnout Yacht Club Gang.
Suspected of causing catastrophic weather events from a concealed layer within the Florida Everglades, Bertha and the MSG League must safeguard the country against the gang's attempts to wreak havoc on the planet.
The four members of the Burnout Yacht Club Gang mentioned above are part of a 10,000-piece NFT/SET collection. This collection will only be available for sale if the animated series is greenlit. Our objective is not to generate unlimited profits without contributing value to those who support our projects.
The first 5,000 pieces of the collection will be minted during the series premiere. To be eligible to mint any of the gang members, one must possess a blue library card.
The Bertha Project is experimenting with a novel approach for showcasing an animated series linked to an NFT/SET collection. We have created a 20-minute 2D episode that has been produced with limited expenses. The Bertha Project has referred to this new format as the "Script Animation Pitch (SAP)." To access the SAP, please click the button below.